I knew when Natalie first reached out to me that I was going to love working with her! And sure enough, from the moment I showed up at their house, Natalie and Ben welcomed me like a friend – which just made it that much more enjoyable to spend the afternoon with them (and their family)! Ben’s got three older kiddos (who clearly love and respect Natalie so much!) and it was easy to see that he adores each and every one of them! We spent the majority of our time documenting little miss Eloise, but I was able to spend a few minutes with the whole fam after the big kids got home from school, and they were truly such a joy to capture! The older siblings were clearly just as in love with their baby sister as Natalie + Ben are, and I just love capturing those relationships!!
Natalie is a Disney girl, so little miss Eloise’s nursery had the cutest Disney touches sprinkled throughout – and just wait until you see her adorable jeweled tiara headband!!!
Okay, okay, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. Enjoy my faves from my time with the Simmons family!
I love getting close shots of baby’s fingers + toes when mama or daddy is holding her! (Like this next shot on the right!)
This next one is one of my top faves!! Love Natalie’s smile!
Love, love, love this next black + white on the left!! Those squishy cheeks, oh my goodness!!!
I always bring some headbands + hats with me to my newborn sessions, but I sure do love when mamas have their own accessories they choose to incorporate into our baby-only photos – like the Minnie Mouse hat and jeweled tiara headband that Natalie had waiting for me!!
Love the sleepy little smile in this next shot!
itty bitty little baby feet!
and itty bitty little baby fingers!
Natalie, Ben, thank y’all for inviting me into your home and trusting me to capture this precious, precious season of your lives! I can’t tell you how happy I am that our paths crossed!!