I am so excited to share my faves from Janelle + Kelly’s engagement session with y’all today! This is one of those extra special sessions for me, because Kelly is a personal friend of mine and Jason’s – and now, so is Janelle! 😉 We’ve known him for several years now, and we were SO excited for him when he told us he’d met the girl he wanted to spend forever with. And then we were even more excited for him once we “met” Janelle (over FaceTime), because we could already tell what a treasure she is! She’s genuine, quick to laugh, smart, and adorable, and we just couldn’t imagine a better girl for Kelly.
These two met online, and it didn’t take long for them to realize they’d found a good thing together, but they did have a bit of a challenge to overcome – Janelle lived in Seattle, and Kelly lived in southwest Virginia. They navigated a long-distance relationship for a while, but ultimately decided that Janelle would make the move from the west coast to the east coast. She finally made it here for good a little over a month ago, and we were finally able to meet for real (in person) the day of their engagement session!!
They chose to have their engagement session at the beautiful Big Spring Farm in Lexington, so we were able to do a dinner double-date at one of mine and Jason’s fave restaurants in Lexington (Southern Inn Restaurant) before heading over to Big Spring for their session. It was so good to finally get to meet this lovely lady in person, and to finally get these two in front of the camera!! In fact, between getting to finally spend time with these two in person + all the pretty shooting locations I had to work with at Big Spring, we ended up shooting almost a full 30 minutes past sunset! #sorrynotsorry 😉
Okay, okay, I know you’re here for the pictures, so I’ll stop rambling. Here are my favorites from Janelle + Kelly’s engagement session at Big Spring Farm!
Y’all, this is the DRIVEWAY. Like, 50 yards into the Big Spring property. And I literally could have done an entire session here with the sun shining through these lush trees!
Forehead kisses between these two were the sweetest.
Patterns can be hard to pull off for photos, but these two did it really well. I love that Kelly’s shirt has little pops of magenta that coordinates with the color of Janelle’s dress! Well done, you two! 😉
I love both of these next shots, but especially the one on the left!
LOVE this next one!
I love the joy in this next photo!
We started to lose the sun behind some clouds, so I knew it was time to leave the driveway (ha!) and explore some of the other pretty locations that Big Spring had to offer!
I loved this next spot (with the tall grass + mountain backdrop) so much! It was actually our very last stop on our way off of the property, but we shot here for a good 20+ minutes because the light was so soft. Would you believe that a lot of the images in this particular spot were actually taken after sunset?! (That’s not something I normally do, but in this case, it worked because we were up on a hill, with no trees blocking the sky from our view, so we had just enough light to keep shooting past sunset – and we even still got a little bit of soft glow in these images, which I love!)
Love, love, love this next shot in black + white!
I saved one of my top faves for last – I love this next one!
Janelle, Kelly, it’s been so fun to get to be part of this season of your lives – and I already cannot WAIT till your wedding day!!!