Y’all, there’s nothing quite like a family session with two littles under 3! It’s nonstop, and it’s usually pretty hilarious! I’m talking, the family pup running circles around us while mama hangs onto both squirmy girls and daddy makes crazy faces behind me to insight giggles kind of hilarious! (That illustration may or may not be based on true events…haha!) And honestly, I kind of love it, because (a) it’s real life, and (b) this stage of life is so unique and it goes by SO incredibly fast, which means I know that these are going to be some of the most treasured moments that I ever get to capture. Jason and I don’t have any littles of our own yet, but I know when we do I’ll want to remember all the different faces they made, and what it felt like to hold them in my arms when they were still small enough to hold, and how crazy and silly our days and moments were when they were that young. And truly, I’m so honored every time I get to give that gift to another family.
JW and Linda, I hope these images remind you of all of these feelings and more as your girls grow up! I so enjoyed getting to know y’all and your little girls! Thank you for spending the afternoon with me! 🙂 Enjoy my favorites from your session!!
JW and Linda have known each other since high school! And now here they are, with two precious little girls (AND one little girl or boy on the way! eep!)!
Ahh, those pretty blue eyes, though!!
Oh my gosh, these next two frames are for sure two of my top faves from this session!!
I’m not going to lie, this shot of JW and the girls on the left makes me giggle every time. #reallife
Linda had found three vintage dresses that she and the girls donned at the end of our session, and y’all. They were dreamy pastel + flowy chiffon perfection! And the best part? There were FLOWER CROWNS! Oh my goodness, it was like a mini styled shoot – and the photos from those last few minutes include some of my favorite frames that I’ve ever taken! Friends, if you have any inclination to add ruffly chiffon dresses and flower crowns to your family session, I’m SO in! Annnd here’s why:
Y’all, this next one of little Emma. Is it just me, or does it kind of take your breath away?
And we’ll end with one more of my absolute favorites of Emma, because I just can’t look at this shot without smiling! 🙂
Linda, JW, thank you for allowing me to be the one to capture this sweet, crazy, awesome season of your lives. (And THANK YOU for bringing ruffly dresses + flower crowns!!!) I hope y’all love these and I can’t wait to share the rest with you!
Big hugs!!!
Oh my gosh!!! Love these!! ❤