So, I’m going to try to be better this year about sharing more “personal” posts here on the blog (stay tuned – I promise I still have every intention of posting some of my favorites from our adventure of a lifetime, in Italy, this past fall! But that’s for another day!). Today’s post is a little recap of our long weekend spent with my family in Myrtle Beach, SC!
The trip came together a little last-minute (at least, for me and Jason), but I’m really grateful it worked out that we could go! I hadn’t seen my dad or my brother since June of 2014, and it had been just as long since my mom, brother, and I had all been together! I hate to even admit that! But I’m sure y’all know how life just gets in the way … at least, it did for us. So even though we only sat on the beach for a few hours, and we had WAY more rain than sunshine… this trip was good for my soul because it was time spent with my family! And (thanks to my mom’s prompting), I took advantage of this opportunity to get some long overdue family photos! Sadly, rain (and, let’s be honest, me forgetting my camera a few times) prevented us from taking pretty photos on the beach, but you know what? I’m super grateful for the ones we got!
Jason and I stayed with Mom and her husband, Doug, in a condo in Surfside Beach, and I squished the first family photo group onto the couch in the condo! From left: Doug, Mom, my little brother Ricky, me, and my handsome hubby.
We couldn’t resist a goofy shot. And when I say “we,” I basically mean me and Mom. We were clearly more enthusiastic than the boys, but I’m OK with it.
I loooove these shots of me, Mom, and Ricky. <3 <3 <3
I also got to hug my grandmother and play a game of rummy with her, my dad, Ricky, and Jason (it’s becoming a new tradition during our visits to Myrtle!). I distinctly remember many, many games of rummy with my grandmother and my dad’s side of the family, while I was growing up. In my mind, it seems like a game of rummy took place every time we were at my grandparents’ house when Ricky and I were little!
Side note: Ricky supposedly couldn’t remember how to play, but when Mom and I played a “practice” round with him early in the weekend, he had 125 points (and an impressive array of card sets) by the end of the FIRST HAND. Beginner’s luck, he says. Suuuuure.
And a picture of Mom, because she’s cute.
My dad, Ricky, and my grandmother all live in Myrtle Beach, so our set of family photos with them was at their house, after our game of rummy. Y’all, how stinking cute is she?
And, in case you were wondering, here’s what happens when you FINALLY complete the 15-minute task of corralling three men to take a photo and accidentally click the shutter without setting the 10-second timer … womp, womp. But it makes me giggle, so I’m sharing it. Ha! Aren’t they all so handsome, though?
Here’s the for real shot of Ricky, Dad, me, and Jason. 🙂 Yaaaaay tripods + shutter timers!
Events not documented with photos (due to my forgetting my camera MULTIPLE times. No, really. I wish I was kidding.) include an 18-hole round of mini-golf, quite a bit of shopping at the Tanger outlets, one movie, and some DELICIOUS food from Mr. Fish (hands down, our favorite place to eat in Myrtle), Johnny D’s Waffles & Bakery, and The Melting Pot. Y’all, it was Dad and Ricky’s first time at The Melting Pot and I think Jason and I may have been more excited to share it with them than they were to experience it for the first time… haha!! Confession: we had three cheese courses. And two dessert courses. And it was 100. percent. worth it.
The only restaurant where I did whip out my camera was our newest hole-in-the-wall favorite in Myrtle – Benjamin’s Bakery & Cafe. It was within walking distance from our condo, had mouth-watering breakfast sandwiches and pastries, and y’all. They had not one, not even two, but three organically-sourced coffee roasts to choose from every day! Our coffee-loving hearts were so happy, we actually ate breakfast there three days in a row. I’m not even ashamed to admit that. Next time you are in Myrtle, it is 100% worth the drive to Surfside Beach for some breakfast at Benjamin’s.
Last, but definitely not least … on our last morning, as the clouds were finally clearing, I ventured out onto the beach for some sunrise shots. Ohhh, if only I could spend every morning right here!!
If you’re still here … thank you so much for reading this post! Feel free to leave a comment – I’d love to know your favorite vacation spots, or hole-in-the-wall places to get some delicious food, or your family traditions (like a good, old-fashioned game of rummy)! 🙂
Lindsey, I loved these pics and reading your blog! I wish Bob and I could have been there. Love you!
Thank you Janelle! I wish y’all could have been there too! But at least we have a fun family adventure in August to look forward to!! 😉
[…] and family photos, y’all! March-April of this year was crazy for us, with weekend trips to Myrtle Beach, Asheville, and Okeechobee all in a 5-week span of time! We were seriously so exhausted when May […]
[…] of my own photos from one of our past vacations. I decided to go with printing an image from our Myrtle Beach trip last year, because (a) who doesn’t want to see one of their favorite places every single […]
I know I read this post before but enjoyed reading it again! I’m so excited that we’ll be together again this weekend! Love you!❤️